- Bereavement and Compassion
Our Lady on her mission of healing is extending her arms to us to carry us to her son Jesus and accompany us through this journey of grief.
The members of Our Lady of Lourdes Bereavement and Compassion ministry are ready to continue Our Lady’s mission by accompanying the mourning families through the grieving process, offering support, prayers, and guidance as families plan the funeral liturgy and other funeral arrangements; offering after the funeral, support, and prayers through their healing process, to the family and friends of the deceased, and attending ongoing formation to support this ministry.
If you are called to say “YES” like Our Lady, professional training is available for all those who are willing to accompany those families who have lost their loved ones, for we are never alone.
Visit our page for more information.
‟Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted”
(Matt 5:4)
- Planning Funeral and Memorial Service Documents
- Bereavement Assessment Needs
Bereavement & Compassion
- Support individual families along their grief journey, as needed
- Support the imminently dying patient and his/her family, as needed
- Referral Ministries within OLOL
Community Bereavement (Grief) Support Group
- Grief support group held on the fourth (4th) Thursday of each month, facilitated by a professional therapist
- Grief support group offers practical coping strategies to help you find ways to cope
Inspirational Cards
- Inspirational Cards for Grievers
- Grief and Loss Facilitator Training Workshop
This blended-learning training is offered at scheduled times throughout the year. It provides participants with a broad perspective of the knowledge, skills, and resources needed in assisting the bereaved along their journey of grief and bereavement.
- Planificación del Funeral y documentos para servicios fúnebres.
- Evaluación de las necesidades de los familiares en Duelo.
Luto y compasión
- Apoyo individual a las familias en su camino de duelo, según sea necesario.
- Apoyo a los pacientes próximos a la muerte y a sus familiares, según se necesario.
- Referir a los diferentes ministerios dentro de OLOL
Grupo De Apoyo Comunitario Para El Duelo
- El grupo de apoyo para el duelo se reúnen el cuarto (4to) jueves de cada mes, facilitado por una terapista profesional.
- El grupo de apoyo para el duelo ofrece estrategias prácticas de afrontamiento para ayudarle a encontrar formas de afrontar el duelo
Tarjetas de Inspiración
- Tarjetas de Inspiración para personas en Duelo.
- Talleres de entrenamiento para facilitadores de duelo y perdida.
- Esta combinación de aprendizaje y entrenamiento se ofrece de acuerdo con nuestro calendario durante el año, estos ofrecen a los participantes una amplia perspectiva de los conocimientos, habilidades y recursos necesarios para asistir a la persona de Luto en su camino de dolor y duelo