Living Our Faith

The foundation of an active life in Christ

Catholics are disciples of Jesus Christ, baptized into His body and faithful to His Church.

Christian life requires a commitment to prayer and active participation in the liturgy and sacraments. The Catechism of the Catholic Church helps us understand what it means to be faithful in practice by presenting us the Precepts of the Church (CCC#2041-3).

As parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes, we live these precepts:

1Attend Mass on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obligation
Sunday, the day of the Resurrection, should be treated differently from the other days of the week. We do that in making the day holy by attending Mass and refraining from doing unneces- sary work. Holy Days of Obligation, when we celebrate special feasts of Jesus, the Blessed Mother and the saints, should be marked in the same way.
2Confess your sins at least once a year
This obliges in particular those who are conscious of serious sin. Regular reception of the Sacrament of Penance helps to prepare us not only to receive the Eucharist but also to continue the process of conversion begun in Baptism.
3Receive the sacrament of Eucharist at least during the Easter Season
Because the Holy Eucharist is both the source and summit of life for all in the Church, the Church teaches that every member for his or her own good must receive Communion minimally at least once a year. The season of Lent provides the perfect context to turn again to Christ so that we might receive Him worthily at Easter.
4Observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church
The Church identifies specific days as times of fasting and abstinence to prepare the faithful for certain special feasts; such actions of sacrifice help us to grow in self-discipline and in holiness.
5Provide for the needs of the Church
This means contributing to the support of the mission of the Church with time, talent and financial resources.

The Pillars of Our Church

We believe that it is in giving of ourselves to assist others that we follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and truly make a difference.

St. John reminds us that to know Jesus is to love him; and to love Jesus is to love our neighbor. The authentic Christian lives his love for Jesus by bringing Jesus, His life-giving touch, to a neighbor in need.

To reach out to someone in Jesus sounds daunting. We might wonder to whom we should go and what we should do. The ministries and groups of Our Lady of Lourdes are a good place to begin and they offer us support along the way.

Let us commit to actively participate in at least one ministry or group of the parish among the over sixty ministry opportunities.