I Support My Parish
Can’t find your checkbook or envelope Sunday morning?
Join the parishioners who are using Faith Direct for automated giving to Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. It is secure, convenient and Faith Direct will provide you an offertory card to place in the basket during the collections.
Sign up today
- Click on the button below,
- or call 866.507.8757 (toll-free) for more information,

Our parish code is FL533.
Ten reasons to make your offertory gift through Faith Direct
- No more checks to write or envelopes to find
- 52 Weeks of predictable income for your parish
- Greater security than cash or checks
- No cost for you to participate
- Online control of your offertory giving – including special collections
- Reduction of envelope and postage expense for Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
- Less work for our parish office staff to post contribution records
- Offertory cards enable you to witness your gift of treasure
- Earn credit card points for your offertory gifts
- Msgr. Schwanger does!