Thy Kingdom Come

Saturday, February 3rd at 4:00pm

Band members:

  • Chuck Serig / Guitar, Vocals
  • Danny Benitez/ Vocals
  • Carlos Falcon/ Bass Guitar
  • John Prats/ Guitar
  • Sandra Quintero/ Vocals
  • Julie Quintero/ Vocals
  • Mauricio Rodriguez / Percussion
  • Ruben Gallardo/ Percussion
  • Santiago Alfaro / Piano

Germán Vilsán

Saturday, February 3rd at 6:30pm and 9:30pm

Un lustro ha transcurrido desde que decidí dar un paso trascendental y lanzarme como Artista. Desde ese momento hasta ahora, he acompañado mi sueño con un intenso trabajo disciplinado, creciendo y desarrollando mi carrera; procurando por todos los medios, ir siempre hacia la máxima exposición de mi talento. La verdad, siempre sentí su llamado y llegó la hora. ¡Ha llegado ese momento!


Saturday, February 3rd at 7:30pm

Rooted is a band founded on the pillars of Christianity. Originating in Miami, Florida in 2021, Rooted has performed their original music in several events, retreats, and workshops, and aims to bring a modern flavor to Contemporary Christian Music. Through their unique sound, varied genre styles and profound lyrical content, they strive to draw listeners worldwide to experience the Faith, Hope and Great Love of God in a fresh, tangible and intimate way.

Fall Afresh

Sunday, February 4th at 5:00pm

We are a devout Catholic collective striving to bring the Good News of the Gospel and Beauty of the Catholic Faith to all who have eyes to see, ears to hear, minds to know, and hearts to love. Our goal is, actively and intentionally use our God given gifts to grow the Kingdom of God on earth.

Ivhanna Gil

Sunday, February 4th at 6:30pm


Sunday, February 4th at 7:30pm

What sets Ovrhol apart from the competition is the strength and quality of their songs and the raw energy of their performances. The band was founded in 2006 and since then, amidst temporary pauses and member changes, the group found it’s ground and has become one of the top gigging bands of South Florida. Influenced by legendary artists such as The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Guns & Roses and the Foo Fighters, Ovrhol’s sound is rooted in Classic Rock with modern day melodies and dynamic guitar riffs and vocals.